Support Goal 1: Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Northern Iowa is committed to championing diversity as a core value of our university community. UNI will create and maintain a diverse, respectful and inclusive work and learning environment in order to prepare the university community for a constantly evolving world and so that inclusive excellence becomes the norm. This work will include challenging beliefs and practices that discriminate against, degrade, or diminish a group within our community based on the group members' innate characteristics. We believe that valuing diversity is a necessary foundation for inclusion, and that inclusive excellence provides a learning environment for our students and our community that prepares us for a dynamic, interconnected world.

Provide a campus culture that reflects and values the evolving diversity of society and promotes inclusion.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • Attract and retain diverse students, faculty, and staff who are integrated into the campus community.

  • Build and strengthen relationships with underrepresented populations in Waterloo, the Cedar Valley, and Iowa to increase diversity.

  • Build and strengthen multicultural and international relationships in the United States and abroad.

  • Provide a diversity experience for all students, and deliver programs, services, and events to educate for and celebrate diversity on campus.

  • Provide an inclusive decision-making process with broad communication and discussion.

Metric:  Increase the percentage of minority students in the freshmen class during the next 5 years (5-year rolling average)

Year by Year Results
Metric One Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2012-2016 2016-2020 2017-2022
9.9% 10.8% 15%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric:  Increase the percentage of minority students of the entire student body over the next 5 years (5-yr rolling average)

Year by Year Results
Metric two Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2012-2016 2016-2020 2017-2022
9.2% 10.3% 12%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric:  Increase the retention rates of minority freshmen to the overall retention rate (5-year rolling average 1st to 2nd year)

Year by Year Results
Metric Three Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2011-2015 2015-2019 2017-2022
80.7% 79.5% 84%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric:  Increase the retention rates of first-generation freshmen to the overall retention rate (5-year rolling average 1st to 2nd year)

Year by Year Results
Metric Three Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2011-2015 2015-2019 2017-2022
80.4% 80.3% 84%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric: Increase the retention rates of freshmen receiving Pell grants to the overall retention rate (5-year rolling average 1st to 2nd year)

Year by Year Results
Metric Five Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2011-2015 2015-2019 2017-2022
81.4% 79.8% 84%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric: Increase the percent of minority faculty over the next 5 years

Year by Year Results
Metric Seven Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2016 2020 2022
13.5% 16.5% 17%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric: Increase the percent of minority administrators over the next 5 years

Year by Year Results
Metric Eight Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2016 2020 2022
6.8% 11.5% 11%
*Current Year: 2019-2020



Metric: Increase the gender balance of female and male faculty over the next 5 years

Year by Year Results
Metric 9 Line Chart
Base Year Current Year* 5-Year Target
2016 2020 2017-2022
49.1% 52.1% 50%
*Current Year: 2019-2020
**% of female faculty