UNI Strategic Plan Development for 2017-2022

The University of Northern Iowa, supported by the UNI Institute for Decision Making, facilitated a broadly inclusive strategic planning process that began in May 2016. The process began with a leadership retreat that included 160 student, faculty and staff participants who represented a broad cross-section of the campus community. Following the retreat, a 30-member Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) was appointed with representatives from all areas of the campus and from the Cedar Valley community. During the summer of 2016, the SPC participated in multiple interactive planning sessions to craft new plan elements, including the university’s vision, mission, values, and strategic goals and initiatives. 

SPC facilitated a broadly inclusive public input process to develop the strategic plan. Eight public input sessions were conducted by SPC members in Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines and Marshalltown. Nearly 150 participants attended input sessions and included representatives from economic development organizations, nonprofit organizations, K-12 teachers and administrators, community leadership, alumni, elected local and state officials, members of the Board of Regents and Foundation Trustees. In addition, an online survey gathered input from more than 300 UNI students, parents and representatives from the broader community.     

Public input was reviewed by the SPC to help revise the Strategic Plan components. A series of Town Hall feedback sessions were held on campus to obtain further responses and prepare a final draft for review by the Board of Regents. The final strategic plan was approved by the Board of Regents on October 20, 2016.

UNI’s Strategic Plan includes a unifying goal of Student Success and three supporting goals: 1) Engaged Learning, 2) Diversity and Inclusion, and 3) Community Engagement. To implement the Strategic Plan, a Strategic Plan Action Committee has engaged with faculty and staff from across the university to prepare metrics and targets for each goal and initiative. After a campus-wide implementation process, the UNI Foundation and Alumni Association gathered input from trustees, alumni and donors. The updated metrics will be shared with the UNI community in special town hall meetings in February of 2018.   

During the 2017-2022 strategic planning period, UNI will actively measure its progress toward the strategic plan goals. The university will remain engaged with the campus and broader communities as we work collectively to achieve our shared goals and priorities for student success.

2017-2022 Timeline