2023-2028 UNI Strategic Plan

Create. Empower. Innovate.

Vision: We serve the public good through excellence in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service.

Mission:  The University of Northern Iowa creates, empowers, and innovates to enrich Iowa and beyond.

2023-2028 Strategic Plan, Presented by President Mark Nook

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Our Values

Academic Freedom: The freedom of inquiry and expression in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service.

Access: A welcoming, supportive and affordable educational environment for all.

Integrity: A commitment to accountability, responsibility, and the highest ethical standards are integrated into all university practices.

Collaboration: A commitment to work together to achieve our shared vision, mission and goals, and to develop and improve institutional policies, programs, and processes.

Community: A caring and safe community characterized by appreciation, respect, and a sense of belonging for all.

Empowerment: Active engagement in transformative, innovative and lifelong learning in service to the public good.

Excellence: A commitment to pursuing the highest levels of achievement in teaching and learning, scholarship and service.

Sustainability: A resilient community and campus that balances innovation and stewardship, is economically sound and environmentally responsible.

Goal 1: Innovate for Learner Success.

Enhance access and support services for all learners through an innovative and relevant academic curriculum and out-of-class experiences.

Strategy 1.1: Develop comprehensive opportunities for learners to earn relevant certifications, licenses, endorsements, and degrees for success in ever-changing industries and communities.

Strategy 1.2:  Develop intentional, timely, and adaptive processes that enable faculty to implement undergraduate and graduate curricular innovations that will meet learner, industry, and community needs.

Strategy 1.3: Expand programs to serve geographically place-bound learners in Iowa and beyond.

Strategy 1.4: Elevate high impact practices that focus on learner engagement, individualized education, and learner success and retention within courses and programs.

Goal 2: Access for all

Create a living, learning, and working environment with access for all.

Strategy 2.1:  Improve university-wide standards of practice for the UNI community to ensure a welcoming environment.

Strategy 2.2: Nurture a sense of community through a culture of care where all can achieve their educational, professional and personal life aspirations.

Goal 3: Empower Communities to Shape Their Future.

Empower and engage learners and communities to confront challenges and seize opportunities that advance the public good.

Strategy 3.1: Enhance faculty and staff engagement in the application of scholarship and service to address local, state, national, and global problems.

Strategy 3.2: Expand flexible community-based learning opportunities to enable learners to gain specialized skills and experiences and address community needs.

Strategy 3.3: Partner with communities to identify, address, and overcome barriers to economic success and vitality.

Strategy 3.4: Establish mutually beneficial linkages between the university and communities throughout the Cedar Valley and State of Iowa to enhance economic well-being and quality of life.

Goal 4: Steward Resources Effectively.

Align and effectively utilize University resources to improve access, affordability, and quality.

Strategy 4.1: Enhance financial stewardship and operational effectiveness through mission-centric and strategic prioritization of resources with a focus on enrollment, physical and operational needs, and human capital.

Strategy 4.2: Reimagine space allocation and workplace practices to emphasize interdisciplinary collaborations, community partnerships, and operational effectiveness.

Strategy 4.3: Establish strategic partnerships that align with Our Values and create new revenue streams to invest in Mission-critical priorities.